It's a Wonder-full Life


The holiday season is in full swing in Washington, and there is something a little extra magical about Christmas time here. Holiday lights are up, festive drinks are being poured, and snow has started to settle on the mountains. ⛄ I've been marveling at this season in the North West. 

My friend Patreeya recently mused in her email newsletter:"Wonder, not certainty, defines a wonderful life." 

I hope to always lead a life of wonder. These moments of wonder keep us humble, feel gratitude and  remind us that life can still surprise you. Even being able to cut down my own Christmas tree for the first time this past weekend (see dirt-covered me above 👀) was a wonder-full experience.

A few things that have inspired wonder in me recently are:

- Seeing snow dusting the tops of the mountains on my drive to work.

- The lushness of the landscape, as nourished by the rain.

-Moments of serendipity between friends; where you feel like your people just "get" you, or read your mind. 

- The deep relaxation and peace I feel during acupuncture, and curiosity about how our mind and body connect.

What inspires wonder for you in this season?



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