Transplant Lessons

Feeling grateful for such a full three-day weekend, which also happened to be the one-year anniversary of my moving to Seattle! I had a great weekend with my girlfriends at a cabin in the Cascades, and then saw the War on Drugs at the Paramount last night with another friend. It's hard to believe it's been a whole year since I left the Bay Area. Time seems to be flying quicker each year! 

 A handful of things I've learned in this year: 

- Seattleites really embrace wearing athleisure or outdoor wear. And keeping a rain shell jacket with you is wise.
- The phrase "the mountain is out" is used when Mt. Rainier is visible- it's a daily ritual for me to look from my living room window.
- We are quite proud of just how majestic our state is. Any basic hike here is easily more beautiful than your average hike elsewhere. #thankyourain
- There is need everywhere- no city is perfect. We have homelessness and social issues like any major city.
- Less is more when living alone: maximizing a small space to be both functional and cozy is an art.
-Your experience in a new place is probably 80% (don't quote me) what you make of it. Seeking out what you love and are interested in goes a long way in building community.

I've enjoyed having some family and friends come visit this past year- I love sharing my new home! Mi casa (apartment) es su casa. I'd love to share it with you, too! 🏡



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